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Phases of Revision

Whenever you revise a draft, review and make changes in your text in phases--each a separate pass through of your text--from "Global" to "Local" issues. Global refers to bigger more fundamental matters related to content and ideas, and Local refers to the sentence and word level of language use. Let the prompts for each phase of revision guide your review of your draft and help you identify areas for improving your text.

Global Revision

One: Conceptual/Idea Phase

  • Look again at the original assignment--examine if you are adequately addressing the question/task of the assignment and the writing situation.
  • Examine your piece in light of audience and purpose.
  • Examine your essay for its main point (thesis)--Is it clear? Is it what you really believe? Is it clearly expressed.
  • Organization: Look at the structure of how you are presenting your ideas. Do you want to shift your arrangement in any way?

Two: Opening Up/Development Phase

  • Look to see if you have developed the piece enough. Think of your reader--is there enough content there to get your idea/point across?
  • Think especially of examples and illustrations (or quotes from sources) that might be used to specify what you are discussing. Do you have enough? Do you have strong support?
  • Use the techniques of description to make your writing sharper and more defined.
Local Revision

Three: Sentence Level Editing Phase

  • Use the Paramedic Method to revise sentences that are wordy and indistinct. Clarify the agent and action (subject-verb) in your sentences. Cut wordiness.
  • Combine sentences using subordination or coordination for clarity and fluency.
  • Examine the sentences carefully for errors in run-ons, fragments, punctuation, or other grammatical errors.

Four: Proofreading Phase

  • For the last step, be sure to review your writing carefully for mechanical and superficial errors. Here is where it can help to have someone else look over your writing.
  • Make sure you have done a spell check on your work.








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