Cougar Canyon, Spoke Hollow Ranch, TX.--photo by L. Irvin
Current Projects
Writing Guides
Writing Guides is website I maintain that contains a set of guides I have developed to assist in my teaching of writing and critical reading. I am constantly tweaking and adding to this resource site. A significant addition to the site in Spring 2022 was a comprehensive guide to the Research Process.
Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing, Vol. 5
I have been working on a chapter in the forthcoming Volume 5 of this Series titled, "Changing Your Mindset on Revision."
Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing |
Ascender Learning Communities
Starting Fall 2022, I will teach English 1301/INRW0100 for the SAC Ascender Learning Communities. I attended the Spring 2022 Ascender Foundational Seminar, and I am excited learn more about teaching writing in a more culturally relevant and equitable way. |
Writing & Thinking Institute
Starting in Fall 2022, I will be the Director of the Writing & Thinking Institute at San Antonio College. The mission of this institute is to assist faculty in using writing as a tool for learning and critical thinking in their discipline. The activities of the WTI will include a year-long professional development course, along with a conference, and visiting speakers.
Past Projects
Reflection in the Writing Classroom Between the Drafts
The focus of my dissertation was on reflection between drafts, and this learning space and stance continues to be a focus for my teaching and scholarship. After multiple revisions and much work, I published a revised and expanded version of my dissertation in 2020. Reflection Between the Drafts. from Peter Lang International Publishers (2020).
Freshman Composition Common Book Project
Until 2019 as part of the curriculum for the San Antonio College Honor's Academy, students taking Freshman Composition I read a common non-fiction book. The Common Book Project page shares assignments and resources that I developed for these book. Past books include The Faraway Brothers; World Without Mind;The Case Against Sugar; Between the World and Me; Merchants of Doubt; and Hot, Flat, and Crowded.
San Antonio College Writing Center and CRLA Tutor Training
Until Fall 2019 as the SAC Writing Center Assistant Director, my primary efforts were helping to develop and deliver our CRLA Tutor Training to our tutors. The SAC Writing Center maintains training for Level I, II, and III Tutors. |
2017-2018 Alamo Colleges Faculty/Staff Innovation Grant
Developing a Vertically Aligned Curriculum to Teach Information Literacy Skills in Freshman Composition I and II
--The goal of this innovation grant is to create a set of vertically aligned assignments across both Freshman Composition I and II to develop Information Literacy Skills. This project’s aim is to develop a stair step of assignments that progress through both courses toward a level of literacy that is foundational for student’s continued college education.
--Read Final Report on this project (May 30, 2018) |
The San Antonio Writing Project
From 2006-2017, I was the Co-Director for the San Antonio Writing Project, based out of the University of Texas at San Antonio. In that role, I helped facilitate Summer Institutes, coordinate continuity activities, and design and deliver in-service. I helped launch and implement our Write for Texas grant with the Texas Education Agency that ran from 2014-2017, and I also led the 2016-2017 SAWP Advanced Institute on the NWP College-Ready Writer's Program.

The Barn and enCore MOO
From 1998-2007, I was involved with the enCore Consortium, using and helping to maintain the enCore educational MOO learning environment. The Barn is a repository of MOO Code and resources taken from the old enCore Consortium website.
From 1997-2003, I maintained my own enCore MOO called AlaMOO which I used in my own teaching of freshman writing.
enCore High Five website