
Research Designs (1): Ethnographic Mode of Inquiry

Research Question(s)

Can we observe the phenomenon of reflection occurring for writers and how does it appear to manifest itself?

Research Approach


Knowledge Claims


Strategies of Inquiry



Close observation, account writing and interpretation, interviews, written artifacts of writing process (drafts)


The newsroom at the San Antonio College Ranger (college newspaper).  I would become a participant observer on the newspaper staff.  Sample would be the writers in the newsroom.  I would probably have to be on the newspaper staff and participate as a full member for at least one semester, probably two.
I think I would have to design the study so that I observed what was there naturally—i.e. I could not formally ask them to reflect in writing between drafts. If it happened, they would have to do it on their own.

Data Analysis

I would observe the staff writers at work closely—taking particular note of their writing processes and the moments between drafts and what happens. 

Possible Results

I would note how and when and even whether reflection manifests itself in these writers' writing process.  My goal would be to "understand what is happening in this new context in terms of the rules of meaning-making that operate there."


Unless I received release time, there is no way I could devote the time necessary to do this study. Also, I selected a newsroom because it would be the most practical setting where I could observe people writing over long periods of time.  The question is how much writing do students actually do in the newsroom. My guess is that many of them write somewhere on their own and bring the articles to the newsroom.  Where else could I do this kind of observation of writing and search for reflection in this activity? Would there be more writers actively writing if I were to do an ethnography of a Tech Writing department for a company or a real newspaper's newsroom (Express-News)? Probably. 
One question I have is whether I could go into the ethnography looking for a particular thing or with the assumption that a particular activity (i.e. reflection) is happening? I think so.




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Lirvin Researching | Site created by Lennie Irvin, San Antonio College (2007) | Last updated August 20, 2007