Scholarly Publications, Presentations,
and Web Sites
L. Lennie Irvin
Books and Book Chapters:
"Changing Your Mindset About Revision." Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Vol. 5. Forthcoming 2022.
Reflection Between the Drafts. Peter Lang, 2020.
“What is Academic Writing?” Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing. Vol 1, Parlor Press, 2010, 3-17.
Writing Skills: Preparing for the TASP TEST. Harcourt, Brace College Publishers, 1996.
Maneuvering with Daedalus: How to Do What You Want to Do. Alliance Press, 1997.
A Map of the Homeland and Selected Poems. M.A. Thesis, 1988. Reissued New Mountain Press, 2020
“What a Difference Three Tutoring Sessions Make: Early Reports of Efficacy from a Young Writing Center.” Writing Lab Newsletter. Sept./Oct. 2014.
“The Activist WPA in Action: A Profile of the First-Year Writing Program at Eastern Michigan University.” Composition Forum 20, Summer 2009.
"Reflection in the Electronic Writing Classroom." Spring 2004. Computers and Composition Online.
"The Shared Discourse of the Networked Computer Classroom." May, 1999 Teaching English in the Two-Year College, NCTE. Republished in Trends & Issues in Postsecondary English Studies: 2000. NCTE.
"Portfolios: Madness or Method?" December, 1993 Teaching English in the Community College.
Academic Blog and Teaching Resource Site:
“From the Mirror: Musings on Reflection, Research, Teaching and Life.”
“The Write Place.” Writing and grammar resource guides and handouts.
"Write4SanAntonio" A Wikispace resource site to support The San Antonio Writing Project's Write for Texas in-service work with Harlandale and South San Antonio ISDs, 2014-2017.
Professional Papers and Presentations
“Two Sides of the Same Coin: Using Peer Response and Reflection Between Drafts for Critical Reflection.” Faculty Symposium Celebrating Scholarship & Teaching, Palo Alto College, Feb. 2020.
“Two New Tools for Evaluating Sources.” 2018 APEX Summit on Information Literacy. 2 June 2018. Educational Service Center, Region 20. San Antonio, TX.
“Making Revision the Heart of Your Teaching of Writing.” 9th Annual San Antonio Writing Project Teacher Conference.” 7 Feb. 2015. UTSA-Downtown. San Antonio, TX.
“The Three-Tutorial Threshold: Opening Access to Success Through Multiple Tutoring Sessions.” CCCC. March 2014. Indianapolis, IN.
“Designing Weird (and Engaging) Writing Assignments.” TYCS-SW Conference. Oct. 2013. Austin, TX.
“Building New Bridges for Writing Center Websites Through Voice Thread.” South Central Writing Center Association 2013 Conference. Feb. 2013, Corpus Christi, TX.
“Literacy Design Collaborative Part I and Part II.” San Antonio Writing Project 2012-2013 Super Saturday Series. Sept. 15 and Oct. 6, 2012. UTSA-Downtown. San Antonio, TX.
“Designing Writing Assignments to Prompt Critical Thinking in All Disciplines.” The College & Career Keystone Conference. ESC 20. June 2012, San Antonio, TX.
“A Grounded Theory of Rhetorical Reflection.” CCCC. March, 2012, St. Louis.
“Exploratory Writing: Helping to Avoid the Writicide Trap.” 6th Annual San Antonio Writing Project Teacher Conference.” 4 Feb. 2012. UTSA-Downtown. San Antonio, TX.
“Turning Back, Turning Forward: Reflection in the Writing Classroom.” San Antonio Writing Project 2011-2012 Super Saturday Series. Keynote Presentation. 5 Nov. 2011. UTSA-Downtown. San Antonio, TX.
“Implications of the Reflective Judgment Model for Writing Instruction.” CCCC. March 2011, Atlanta.
“Reflection Between-the-Drafts.” Two-Year College Association-SW Conference. Laredo, TX. October 2010.
“Celebrating Writing for Learning in All Subjects: How to Integrate More Writing into Your Classroom.” The Success Trifecta. Region 20, San Antonio, TX. October 2009.
“Researching Rhetorical Reflection.” Panel on Reflection with Kathleen Blake Yancey as respondent. CCCC. March 2009, San Francisco.
“Generating a Grounded Theory of Rhetorical Reflection.” CCCC Research Network Forum. March 2009, San Francisco.
“What is College Readiness in Writing.” San Antonio Writing Project’s 3rd Annual Teacher’s Conference. Feb. 7, 2009. San Antonio, Texas. (Co-Presented with Jeanne Russell).
“How Student Choice and Technology Work Together to Improve Student Writing.” NCTE. November 2008. San Antonio, Texas. NWP Writing Strand Presentation. (Co-presented with Jennifer Hall.)
“Open Spaces: A Heuristic Toward a New Composition.” CCCC. March 2008. New Orleans, Louisiana.
"The 'Rhetorical Forum' as a Heuristic Toward a New Composition.” North Texas Federation of University's Rhetoric Symposium 2008. Texas Women’s University. Feb. 2008. Denton, Texas.
“Minimal Marking: A Technique for Responding to Student Writing and Teaching Grammar and Editing.” 2nd Annual Teacher’s Conference, San Antonio Writing Project. February 2008. San Antonio, Texas.
“The "Rhetorical Forum" as a Heuristic Toward a New Composition.” TYCA-SW Conference. October 2007. San Antonio, Texas.
"Distance Education and Programware: The Benefits of Universal Design for Learning Principles." SITE 2007 Conference. March 27-30, 2007. San Antonio, TX, March 2007. (co-presented paper with Dr. Rich Rice, Janie Santoy, and Peter England.)
"Re-inventing Invention by Connecting it to Reflection." North Texas Federation of University's Rhetoric Symposium—Texas A&M, Commerce, Feb. 16, 2007.
"Process Journals: Using Reflection to Promote Learning." Showcasing Writing Across the Curriculum. February Teachers Conference, San Antonio Writing Project. Feb. 3, 2007.
Computers & Writing Conference. May 26-28, 2006. Texas Tech University.
--"Oh Pioneers!: The First Two Years of an Online Ph.D. program in Technical Communication and Rhetoric." (co-presenter)
--"LEAP II: A Video-Case Based Program for Critically Examining Technology in Writing and Multiple Perspectives." (co-presented with Dr. Liz Stephens, Texas State University)
"MOO--The Second Decade?" Computers & Writing Online 2005. 8 June 2005.
"Weaving Reflection into an Entire Writing Course." TYCA, October 2004. Austin, TX.
"MOOs as a Platform for Online Portfolios." CCCC 2004, Computer Connection. March 2004. San Antonio, TX.
"Reflection in the Computer Classroom." NCTE 93rd Annual Convention. Nov 2003. San Francisco, CA.
"Observe to Learn: New Views of Reflection in a Networked Writing Classroom." Computers &Writing Online 2003. 13 May 2003.<>.
"Reflecting on Reflections--the Central Role Reflection Plays in Teaching Writing in a Computer Networked Environment." Presented at the 2002 Computers & Writing Conference, Normal, Illinios. May 2002.
"MOOSS. Using a MOO to Provide Online, Real-time Student Services." St. Phillip's College's 11th Annual Fiesta of Continuous Learning. April 19-20, 2001. San Antonio, TX.
"Truth, Knowing, and Teaching Writing Over Computer Networks." NCTE 90th Annual Convention. Nov. 16-21, 2000. Milwaukee, WI. ACE Booth Handout--"Exercises: Learning Writing With Computers Through Sharing Texts."
“The Spectator-Participant in the Computers & Writing Learning Environment." Computers and Writing Conference, 2000. Ft. Worth, TX. May, 2000
“The Role of the Spectator-Participant in the Computers and Writing Learning Environment.” Conference of College Teachers of English, Texas A&M. March, 2000.
Forum Chair for "Collaborative Learning, Social Construction and the Role of the Spectator-Participant." Electronic Discussion List, CW2K Online. March 15-28, 2000 Invited Participants: Kenneth A. Bruffee, Brooklyn College, CUNY; Wayne Butler, The Daedalus Group, Inc. James A. Inman, Furman University.
Collaboration, Social Construction and the Role of the Spectator-Participant. MOO Session. Computers and Writing 2000 Online. March 16, 2000
"Describing the Role of the Spectator-Participant in the Computers and Writing Learning Environment." Presented at Writing at the Interface, an online conference from Purdue University, December, 1999.
"Three Uses of the Web for Teaching." Fiesta of College Computing, April, 1999. San Antonio, TX. St. Phillip's College.
"The Effectiveness of Computer Classrooms for Teaching Developmental English II. October, 1998 CAST Conference in Dallas, Texas.
"Computers Are For More Than Word Processing." February, 1998 TCTE Convention in San Antonio, Texas.
"Three Models for Teaching Developmental English in the Computer Classroom." October, 1997 TYCA Conference in Austin, Texas.
"The Shared Discourse of the Computer Classroom." April, 1997 CCTE Convention in South Padres Island, Texas.
"Zeroes and Ones: Peer Groups in the Computer Classroom" October, 1995 at the 35th Annual Conference of the Association for General and Liberal Studies in San Antonio, Texas.
"Effective TASP Remediation." October, 1994 TYCA (SRCE) Conference in Laredo, Texas. |