The Barn

A Repository of MOO Code and Resources for enCore



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Please be cautious about applying code or information listed here to live systems. Always make sure you have a working backup of your DB and a safe fall back in case of errors or incompatibilities.

Fix to make enCore work with IE7--submitted by Richard L. Bowman on Nov. 13,2006
Fixes the problem with the Java applet not displaying when using IE7.

MOO mailer patch--submitted by Daniel Jung 7/2004
Fixes a synchronization error and obsolete timestamp syntax.

How to speed up MOOs using the enCore database!
This is a very important optimization for any enCore MOO.
From the enCore list Aug. 8, 2002 by Alexandre Borgia

The Language Categorization Tool (download) No longer online.
Detects the dialect used in an arbitrary text input.

The Student Journal (download) No longer online.
Monitors different behaviors to sum statistics which are viewable through tables & graphs via an intuitive "Web Journal."

(The previous two MOO utilities developed by Alexandre Borgia as part of a tandem learning partnership project hosted by the Trinity College of Dublin (2002-2003). Feel free to contact the author if you have any comments or suggestions!)

The Object Tree -- Java applet that displays object inheritance in MOOs.

How to fix exits so that locking works in Xpress
From the enCore list Feb 2, 2006 by Barbara McManus and Alexandre Borgia.

How to add help files and help data to objects and verbs.
From the enCore list August 22, 2002 by Alexandre Borgia.

@Domains command
A Wizard command to list domain suffixes from players and how many players are associated with each domain.
From the enCore list November 18, 2001 by Jason Nolan.

How to make a room able to accept exits from any new room.
From the enCore list August 23, 2003 by Alexandre Borgia.

Modified @go verb that uses the player's personal room database.
November 4, 2006 by Kevin Jepson.

MOO Patching
A discussion of how to do patches on EnCore MOOs
From the enCore list January, 2004 by Ken Eustace.

Editing the Frontend
A discussion of how modify an EnCore V4 Web display and descriptions
From the enCore list , June 2006 by Jean-Marc Giffin.

Modified verbs for $Inventory_manager aka My Stuff in Xpress
Changes the display of quota and includes the size of the objects in kilobytes on the inventory listing.
November 18, 2007 by Kevin Jepson.



Site created by L. Lennie Irvin, San Antonio College and maintained by Kevin Jepson | Last updated November 18, 2007